
The bottom of the steel market in the third quarter will rise under the broad shock pattern of gold futures on July 5

Third quarter steel market wide shock pattern under the bottom will raise gold futures July 5 news, according to monitoring data, at the end of June this year, 29 key cities nationwide steel social inventory of 10.3579 million tons, down 25.8%; Among them, the social inventory of building materials was 5.712,900 tons, down 35.4% year-on-year; The social inventory of plates was 4.645 million tons, down 9.3% year-on-year. It can be seen that at this stage, steel inventory pressure is not very large, even if steel prices rise, the selling pressure is not very large, which is conducive to the smooth operation of the steel market. In the future, the biggest pressure on the operation of the steel market is still from the release of too much steel production capacity, because as long as the steel price recovers to the more profitable stage, steel enterprises will actively increase production, which will suppress the steel market. Looking forward to the steel market in the third quarter, the bottom will rise under the broad shock pattern, and you can also look at the top line. June may be the turning point of the steel market for the whole year.

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